Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Food Plan Feb 10

breakfast- 2 pc. toast w. peanut butter & jam
1 orange 310

Snack- yogurt w. blackberries 150

Lunch- salad w. turkey 300

Snack- apple 100

Dinner- 1 pc. Fish w. salad 290

Snack- 2 cookies w/ coffee 230

exercise- gym + walking

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Wednesday Food Plan Day 24

Remaining: 266

1/2 pomelo w/ tsp sugar 170 cals
1 pc. toast w/ pb & j 160 cals

snack: yogurt w/ apple 200 cals

Lunch: 1 pc. fish w. salad w/ chs 270 cals

snack: orange 100 cals & protein bar 250 cals

Dinner: pork w. caramelized apples (250) & 1 c. Basmati Rice (205) & 1 c. squash (80) 535 cals

sm. dessert up to 300 cals

Exercise: AM. walk 1 hr
Afternoon- Challenge
Evening- Gym triceps & chest + 15 min cardio
night walking

Tuesday Food Plan, Day 23

Calories: 1864
Total: 1230
Remaining: 634

orange 200 cals

celery w. peanut butter 250 cals

Lrg. Salad w/ cheese 250 cals

1/2 pomelo w/ tsp sugar 170 cals

sm. salad 70 cals
1 pc. fish 120 cals (garlic & lemon)
1 c. brocolli boiled then fried with butter and garlic 70 cals
1 c. squash baked 100 cals

pumpernickel bread w/ cream cheese
vegetables w/ dip up to 300 calories

Exercise: AM walk 1 hr
Afternoon- Challenge
Evening- Walk/ jog 1 hr

Monday Food Plan Day 22

Calories: 1864
total: 1400
remaining: 464

apple 100
orange 100

snack: celery w/ peanut butter 150 cals

Lunch: Lrg. Salad w/a little cheese 250 cals

snack:1/2 pomelo w/ 1 tsp sugar 170 cals

1/4 lb. fresh shrimp 120
3/4 c. fettucine pasta 260
100 ml alfredo sauce 150
1 c. brocolli 30 cals

sm. salad 70 cals

snack: assorted veggies w. dip ..up to 464 cals.

morning- walk 1 hr.
afternoon - cleaning house & challenges (20 crunches & 5 - 10burpees)
evening- gym biceps & back + 15 min eliptical

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Monday Food Plan Day 15

Total: 1570
Remaining: 294

Egg 70
Pemeal bacon X 2 100
Toast 1 pc 50

270 cals

Yogurt & Apple 200 cals

Lunch: Lrg. Salad 300 cals

100 cal pckg. & Apple 200 cals

Chicken w. sm. Salad & Zuchinni
400 cals

Coffee w/ Cookie pckg. 200 cals

Happy Shrinking :D

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sunday Jan 23 day 14

Calories: 1864
Remaining: 254

Breakfast: Oatmeal w. salba & soy milk 300 cals

Snack: yogurt w/ 2 kiwi 200 cals

Lunch: Lrg. Salad 300 cals

Snack: Fruit & Carrots & Sm. Cookie pckg. 250 cals

Dinner: 1 pc. fish w. squash & salad 360 cals

Snack: Coffee & Cookies 200 cals

happy shrinking :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Friday Jan 21 Day 11

Calories: 1864
Remaining: 64

Breakfast: Oatmeal w/ salba + soy milk 220 cals

Snack: Orange 100 cals

Lunch: Salad 80 cals

Snack: 100 cal oreo cookie pkg. + 2 kiwi 200 cals

Dinner: Subway Ham and Turkey footlong approx- 1000 cals.

Snack: 100 cal. cookie packet + orange 200 cals

Happy Shrinking

Btw, this week hasn't been my best week! But that's okay I'm still doin it :)


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How Is It Going ?

I'm just going to write a quick blog because I don't have time to make a video on how things are going. :)

So if you didn't know this week I'm doing a cleanse that I picked up at Whole Foods Market. So far it's not really doing anything as far as I can see. Despite the fact that I have been doing my best to compliment the cleanse including not drinking any caffeine which has given me a horrible headache for the past 3 days! I didn't realize how much caffeine I consumed in a day probably not even as much compared with other people. But I definitely had one cup of coffee and 1 can of pepsi per day and the day I stop drinking I get a horrible headache...strange. Anyways, I've been trying to make videos of recipes that I make but the Carrot Soup I made wasn't really that great so I've decided not to put it up..maybe later I will who knows.

This week with food has been great! It's always challenging though last weekend I went to the movies and ate a whole bag of fuzzy peaches plus some chocolate and popcorn...which is all really bad. However I'm not going to beat myself up over it I'm just going to look forward! I find that sometimes if I "mess-up" one day that I give up and just ruin a whole week so I'm working very hard to change that. I've also found myself drinking A LOT of water this week which is fantastic =) I feel great, I'm happy and I've been eating well.

Exercise...has been a little hard to fit in. I get stressed very easily and I had a couple stressful appointments this week but once they were over I felt so much better and I had a lot of energy. So last week I went to the gym once, and this week I've gone once but Ive also been going on walks with my husband after dinner which is awesome. So as for exercise I'm slowly working up to it..this week I've been doing my weights with 15 minutes of heavy cardio instead of 30 because I'm on the cleanse and I don't want to over do it.

Okay.. I have a confession. I wasn't going to weigh myself until a month after Day 1..but I did! I had to...it was too tempting :) But I'm not going to do it again until the month is up. I'll tell you that I've lost a little weight so far and I'm hopeful about the rest of the month 3 1/2 weeks remaining :)

Also..this weekend I'm going home so I'm thinking about making a video about what I do when I go home for weekends so look out for that :D

So there's my update..keep an eye on my youtube channel I should be posting a nother video tomorrow and friday.

Take care,

Happy shrinking!

Thursday Jan. 20 Day 10

Calories: 1864
Total: 1050
Remaining: 750

Oatmeal w/ salba & soy milk 220 cals.

Snack: Orange 100 cals

Mini Burgers (2) (recipe will be posted on youtube) w/ sm salad 300 cals

100 cal christie oreo pkg.
Yogurt & Kiwi 150

Mother In laws for dinner, I'll update tomorrow.

Protein Bar 180
Orange 100

Exercise: 30 min. cardio @ gym

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wednesday Plan Day 10

Calories: 2237
Total: 1620

Oatmeal w/ salba + soy milk 220 cals

Orange 100 cals

Ham + Turkey Sandwich 300 cals

Yogurt + Kiwi 150
Protein Bar 250

Fish w/ Veggies + Squash 600 cals

Exercise: Gym and Cardio

Monday, January 18, 2010

Tuesday Day 9

Calories: 1864
Total: 1620
Remaining: 244

1/3 c. cooked oatmeal, 1 c. vanilla soy milk, 1 tbsp salba 220 cals

Snack: 1/2 grapefruit w/ tsp. sugar 100 cals

Lunch: Ham & Turkey Sandwich 300 cals

Snack: Yogurt w/ Kiwi 150 cals

Dinner: Pork Chops w. Salad & rice 500 cals

Snack: Protein Bar & Orange 350 cals

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Monday Food Plan Day 8

Calories: 1864
Remaining: 205

1/3 c. Oatmeal w. 1 c. Vanilla Soy Milk & 1 tbsp. Salba 270 cals
Coffee Reg.

Snack: 1/2 grapefruit w/ tsp sugar 100 cals

Lunch: Home Made Carrot Soup 135 + 1/2 Chicken Breast + sm. salad 321 cals

Snack: 1 kiwi w. yogurt 150

Dinner: 1/2 chicken breast 120 w/ sm.1/4 salad & brown rice 170, tbsp soya sauce 10 368 cals

Snack: Orange & 100 cal. cookie bag
Protein Bar 250 (Cliff Choc almond fudge) 250 cals (After Workout)

I'll be posting the video for the Carrot Soup Today and also the Chicken breast marinade :)

Happy Shrinking :D


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sunday, Jan 17 Day 7

Calories: 1500
Remaining: 35

I'm doing a low calorie diet this day with lots of fruit because I'm starting my detox and I want to make sure that I'm eating in a way that it will compliment the cleanse. It recommends eating eggs, fruit etc. while on the cleanse! So here we go 7 day Cleanse :)

Breakfast: 11/4 c. vector cereal w. milk + 1 tbsp Salba 260 calories
1 c. coffee regular 50 cals

snack: Yogurt w. Kiwi 146

Lunch: 2 hard boiled eggs & Salad 273

snack: 1/2 giant grape fruit w. a little sugar 100 cals

Dinner: 1/2 or 4 oz Chicken Breast w/ sm Salad & Squash 1 c. 436

Snack: Fruit + 100 cal pckg. oreo 200 cals

Exercise: 30 minutes light cardio

Happy Shrinking :)


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 5 Food Plan- Friday Jan. 15

Calories: 1864
Total: 1680
Remaining: 184

Vector Cereal w/ milk 260 cals
Coffee 50 cals

Snack: Yogurt w/ orange 200cals

Lunch: Lean Cuisine 290 cals

Snack: Apple w. Caramel 160 cals

Dinner: Chinese Pork chop (oven baked) w. squash 400 cals

Snack: Orange & Hot Chocolate 370

Happy Shrinking :)


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Thursday Food Plan

Calories: 1864
total 1575

Breakfast: 2 pc toast w/ pb and j 260 cals

yogurt w/ cantaloupe 160

Lunch: Egg salad sandwich 285 cals
1 glass chocolate milk 300

snack: orange & 100 cal bag choc. pretzels 200

Dinner: Chicken w/ salad 400 cals

Snack: Apple w/ caramel 170 cals

Exercise: 1/2 hr cardio

So far so good! I didn't follow my diet plan completely for wednesday though. But i stayed within my calories! tomorrow will be perfect :)


Happy Shrinking :)


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

calories- 2237
total- 1693
remaining- 544 - im leaving this many becasue i might want seconds of pasta!

1 1/4 c. vector cereal w/ 1/2 c. non fat milk 260
coffee reg 50 cals

1 vanilla activia yogurt cup w/ cantaloupe 1 1/2 c. 190 cals

lean cuisine 290 cals

Snack- 1 1/2 c. cantaloupe + 100 calorie choc. pretzel bag 190 cals

Dinner- Easy Pasta 400 cals
w. salad

Snack- apple w/ 1 tbsp caramel 160 cals.

exercise- triceps and chest and 30 min cardio..

Good luck everybody <3


Monday, January 11, 2010

Tuesday January 12, 2010 DAY 2 meal plan

Monday: 1864 Cals
Total: 1621
Remaining: 243

Same as Monday
Toast + Coffee 260 cals

Snack: 1 Activia Vanilla Yogurt Cup & 1 cup. Pineapple 178 cals

2 c. Homemade chicken soup 300 cals
Orange 100 cals

Snack:1 c. pineapple & chocolate pretzel packet 200 cals

Dinner: 2 pc Talapia Fish lightly breaded (fried) 500
* I know frying isn't the best choice. .I also cook it inthe oven. But fried is tastier. :)
6 romaine leaves 20 cals
1 tbsp dressing 50 cals
1/2 cup cucumber 8 cals
5 grape tomatoes 5 cals

Snack: Hot chocolate w. non fat milk 200 cals

Exercise: Cardio 30 minutes

Sorry the food is so boring this week, I promise next week will be fun!

Good luck!


First Video

So I posted my first video regarding my weightloss today.

In case you were unsure of any of the information I shared in the video I will explain a little bit here.

My BMI is currently 34 to reach my first goal which is a BMI of 30 I need to lose 24lbs.

I've given myself approximately 3 months to lose this weight.

Good luck to me and all of you!

If there are any questions please ask :)


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Monday Food Plan JAN. 11th, 2010 Day 1

Monday: 1864 Calories
Total Calories: 1661
Remaining: 203

2 pc. weight watchers diet bread (white, toasted) 100 cals
1 tbsp. peanut butter (low fat, low sodium) 90 cals
1 tbsp. no sugar added smuckers raspberry jam 20 cals

1 cup coffee, regular 50 cals

Vanilla Activia Yogurt cup 100cals
Pineapple 1 cup diced 78 cals

Chicken in Thai Peanut Sauce Lean Cuisine 290 cals

Pineapple 1 cup 78 cals

2c. *Homemade chicken soup 300 cals
6 leafs romaine lettuce 20 cals
2 tbsp. tzatziki dressing 100 cals
1/2 c. cucumber 8 cals
4 grape tomatoes sliced 5 cals
2 tbsp. croutons 70 cals

1/2 c. ice cream 190 cals
1/2 banana 60 cals
tbsp. chocolate syrup 50 cals
tbsp. slivered almonds 52 cals

Gym- Biceps & Back
1/2 hr. cardio

Note: when I plan my meal plans I purposely leave 200 calories. This is my "room for error." I find that if I leave myself some extra calories I don't find myself feeling guilty or upset about having an extra snack.

Hope this helps!

BTW> this week will be a little bit of a budget week for food and next week I'm going to do a whole foods haul! So it will be super exciting!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck! ;)


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Wednesday January 6, 2010

So I thought that I should just put up what I'm eating before my first video to give an example of what I will be eating next week!

(Wednesdays will normally be 2051 calories or something like that..but because I kinda messed up this week!!!!!!!!!...its lower!)

Wednesday: 1864
2 pc. white Weight Watcher's Bread (toasted) 100 cals
1 tbsp. Low fat peanut butter 90 cals
1 tbsp. no sugar added raspberry jam 40 cals

1 cup coffee (reg.) 50 cals

1 Lrg. Orange 100 cals

Chicken in thai peanut sauce lean cuisine 290
1 Lrg Orange 100 cals

Sm. Salad (2 c. lettuce & veg) 30 cals
1 tbsp dressing 50 cals
2 tbsp croutons 70 cals

2 Talapia filets lightly breaded (bread crumbs, oven baked) 380 cals
3/4 c. Frozen Corn 80 cals.

Tall Star Bucks Hot Chocolate (non fat milk) 250 cals

So tomorrow is looking pretty good.. maybe the starbucks hot chocolate isn't the best! but it fits in to my calories.

Gym - Biceps and Back
Cardio- 30 minutes eliptical

Make sure you drink lots of water 2 ltrs. at least!!! this is important people :) Good luck.

Elle Xoxo

Food Plan

Before you read my calorie plan I want to make you aware that eating the same amount of calories that I'm going to eat may not be right for you.


Monday: 1864
Tuesday: 1864
Wednesday: 2237
Thursday: 1864
Friday: 1864
Saturday: 2051
Sunday: 1864
I fluctuate calories day to day, this way your body doesn't get used to an exact intake and so when you eat more calories one day they won't be converted to fat as easily.
Daily Diary:
It's important to write down everything you eat! Count the calories!
My trick is at the end of every day I ask my Husband to review my calories and if they're within the limits and I did the workout as planned I get a sticker! SUCCESS!
I hope this helps make sure you eat the snacks! and drink lots of water.
P.S. I will post what I'm eating Monday January 11th- the day of my first video the Sunday Night before.