Sunday, January 10, 2010

Monday Food Plan JAN. 11th, 2010 Day 1

Monday: 1864 Calories
Total Calories: 1661
Remaining: 203

2 pc. weight watchers diet bread (white, toasted) 100 cals
1 tbsp. peanut butter (low fat, low sodium) 90 cals
1 tbsp. no sugar added smuckers raspberry jam 20 cals

1 cup coffee, regular 50 cals

Vanilla Activia Yogurt cup 100cals
Pineapple 1 cup diced 78 cals

Chicken in Thai Peanut Sauce Lean Cuisine 290 cals

Pineapple 1 cup 78 cals

2c. *Homemade chicken soup 300 cals
6 leafs romaine lettuce 20 cals
2 tbsp. tzatziki dressing 100 cals
1/2 c. cucumber 8 cals
4 grape tomatoes sliced 5 cals
2 tbsp. croutons 70 cals

1/2 c. ice cream 190 cals
1/2 banana 60 cals
tbsp. chocolate syrup 50 cals
tbsp. slivered almonds 52 cals

Gym- Biceps & Back
1/2 hr. cardio

Note: when I plan my meal plans I purposely leave 200 calories. This is my "room for error." I find that if I leave myself some extra calories I don't find myself feeling guilty or upset about having an extra snack.

Hope this helps!

BTW> this week will be a little bit of a budget week for food and next week I'm going to do a whole foods haul! So it will be super exciting!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck! ;)


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