Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How Is It Going ?

I'm just going to write a quick blog because I don't have time to make a video on how things are going. :)

So if you didn't know this week I'm doing a cleanse that I picked up at Whole Foods Market. So far it's not really doing anything as far as I can see. Despite the fact that I have been doing my best to compliment the cleanse including not drinking any caffeine which has given me a horrible headache for the past 3 days! I didn't realize how much caffeine I consumed in a day probably not even as much compared with other people. But I definitely had one cup of coffee and 1 can of pepsi per day and the day I stop drinking I get a horrible headache...strange. Anyways, I've been trying to make videos of recipes that I make but the Carrot Soup I made wasn't really that great so I've decided not to put it up..maybe later I will who knows.

This week with food has been great! It's always challenging though last weekend I went to the movies and ate a whole bag of fuzzy peaches plus some chocolate and popcorn...which is all really bad. However I'm not going to beat myself up over it I'm just going to look forward! I find that sometimes if I "mess-up" one day that I give up and just ruin a whole week so I'm working very hard to change that. I've also found myself drinking A LOT of water this week which is fantastic =) I feel great, I'm happy and I've been eating well.

Exercise...has been a little hard to fit in. I get stressed very easily and I had a couple stressful appointments this week but once they were over I felt so much better and I had a lot of energy. So last week I went to the gym once, and this week I've gone once but Ive also been going on walks with my husband after dinner which is awesome. So as for exercise I'm slowly working up to it..this week I've been doing my weights with 15 minutes of heavy cardio instead of 30 because I'm on the cleanse and I don't want to over do it.

Okay.. I have a confession. I wasn't going to weigh myself until a month after Day 1..but I did! I had was too tempting :) But I'm not going to do it again until the month is up. I'll tell you that I've lost a little weight so far and I'm hopeful about the rest of the month 3 1/2 weeks remaining :)

Also..this weekend I'm going home so I'm thinking about making a video about what I do when I go home for weekends so look out for that :D

So there's my update..keep an eye on my youtube channel I should be posting a nother video tomorrow and friday.

Take care,

Happy shrinking!

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